Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Aberdeen Disney Shop

Ahoy Pirates Of The Caribbean Fans – Go Directly To Disney

To coincide with the first cinema viewings of the second Pirates of the Caribbean epic, the Disney Store is flying the skull and cross flag in the hope of attracting aspiring Captain Jack Sparrow’s and Elizabeth Swan’s to the Bon Accord St Nicholas Shopping Centre on Thursday 6th July. Daily until stocks run out, wannabe pirates should be set to plunder the Disney store between 2 – 3pm in search of hidden golden riches and authentic pirates treasure maps.

Gaye Dench, Store Manager of the Disney Store says, “With the summer holidays in swing, we really wanted put on a free treat for the children that would coincide with the opening of Pirates of the Caribbean at the cinema.”

Pirates of the Caribbean Competition

“We have set up treasure hunts with pretend golden coins and each child will receive an authentic looking treasure map that also doubles as a certificate. Whilst certificates last, every holder will be automatically entered into a prize draw which will entitle them to become a possible winner of a Pirates of the Caribbean goodie bag, with four winners from every store!”

Other ‘pirates’ can go ‘overboard’ entering into a free prize draw encompassing the UK, which will entitle one lucky family of four, to an all expenses paid trip to Disney Land Florida to meet Captain Jack Sparrow.

Gaye continues, “We hope that the children who come down will have a really good time and we look forward to searching for treasure with them. To see who the real pirates are, the first ten certificate holders to come back once stocks have run out will receive there very own pirates hat!”