Thursday, March 23, 2006

Become A Member Of The SWRI

A Momentous Mother’s Day Membership

Scottish Women's Rural Institutes

With Mother’s Day (Sunday 26 March 2006) fast approaching and the usual gifts all too easily given and then forgotten, why not give the special woman in your life a really significant gift that shows you really care. The Scottish Women's Rural Institutes (SWRI) have 1,000 local institutes spread across Scotland and in the region of 24,000 members of all ages. Becoming a member with your mother to any one of these institutes could mean a really special gift - a gift that doesn't wilt or perish, but gives the most precious reward of all - time and memories.

Mothers Day Gift

Today women make up 48% (2005) of the labour market in Scotland, which means that time is a luxury that most can ill afford. By giving up some of your most precious commodity it would be the most thoughtful Mothers Day gift of all. There are events and classes to suit almost anyone, from craft classes and cookery demonstrations to summer schools and even singing in a choir.

Civil servant Jacqueline Malone aged 33, member of the of the West Lothian based Kirkliston SWRI for 16 years, shares her thoughts on being a member and what it means to her relationship with her mother:

"I have been going to the SWRI with my mother since I was 17 and with a job and a family to hold down, our monthly meetings at the SWRI mean that we get to spend special mother and daughter time together. There is always something new happening and it is great to be able to share new experiences with my mother."

Jacqueline's mother Dorothy Benoy continues," Although I see Jacqueline on a regular basis the monthly SWRI meeting is our special night out. I am not as able bodied as I used to be and if Jacqueline didn’t come along I might not always be able to make it. Although we have a very close family, Jacqueline taking the time to come to the meetings really means a lot to me and we have a great time, whether we are attending a class or meeting up for meals with other SWRI members - it all adds to the bond between us."

Home Skills

The SWRI encourages home skills, considers family welfare and citizenship, preserves the traditions of rural Scotland, enhances awareness of Scotland's rural heritage, works for international co-operation and understanding amongst women and encourages home and local small industries, both individual and co-operative. SWRI members can attend classes, events or simply enjoy the friendship of fellow members at monthly meetings.

So for the most thoughtful Mother’s Day gift that lasts all year round why not find out more about becoming a member of the SWRI or about an institute in your area? Call the National Headquarters in Edinburgh on 0131 225 1724